Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Golfing Around

On Tuesday room 6 did some amazing golf with Chris. First we got in a line from tallest in the class to the shortest in the class. Next Chris told us to go to a cone and pick up a golf flag and swing it back and forth to practice our swinging.We learnt if you aim your tummy to where you want the ball to travel, it goes there. After that Chris put us into three groups. The groups were: 1, 2 and 3.Chris would call a group, that group would come up and Chris told us to pick up a ball and the golf club. We would put the ball on a cone and hit it off the cone straight away. Next we hit a tennis ball and then a golf ball. Finally it was time for morning tea so we said a big thanks to Chris.

By Brayden and Sam.

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