Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Pirate Lavender at Isabel's house

On Friday night Pirate Lavender and I went to the Giants v Saints basket ball game.  It was very exciting because in the last minute the score was a tie, but then the Giants scored and the score was 88 to 89 to the Giants. Then we went home to bed.
The next day we went on the Spooners Tunnel walk.  It was really dark.  At the end we popped out into a clearing with trees around it. Then we had to walk back - it took ages but it was worth it!

By Isabel


  1. Great! Keep up the good work...I love reading Room 6 blog! Also I would like to say a big "Thank-you!!" to Sam and Isabel for the wonderful informative posters they sent to the Stoke Library. The Library manager has put them up on the wall in the Children's area. My colleagues and I have enjoyed reading them and learning about the Rata and Orca. Sophie.

  2. I've been on that walk as well and you are right about it being long but it's great because it lets you see what they could make back then.
